If the standard selector does not work

In order to display images in Ads-Mediabox, you should turn on Link to Media File option in Attachment Display Settings.

If the standard selector does not work

After activation, the plugin should run automatically through the website in 90% of cases.
This is due to the preinstalled selector, which can be replaced in Global Settings of Ads-Mediabox (Selector box).

If the standard selector does not work

Here’s its code:

If the plugin did not run through the website, it would be required to connect the plugin manually. You can do it in two ways.

1. Replace “.entry-content” in default composite selector

To do so, you will need to detect CSS container that is used to display your images, and “.entry-content” should be replaced with your own class for a layer with an article (.entry-content or .content, or ….)

For example, one of the most popular WordPress themes, Twenty Nineteen, features “.entry-content” class.
The default selector runs well.

If the standard selector does not work

In Avada theme, you can use “.fusion-row” and “.post-content” classes.

If the standard selector does not work

If the standard selector does not work

We replace “.entry-content” with “.fusion-row” or “.post-content”:

Actually, it is very simple. All you have to do is to look through the code of your theme.

In Astra theme, you can use:

And for BeTheme, we have the following:

Note! It is not recommended to use selector of the following type:

This is because such selector will be enabled over the entire website – header, sidebars, footer. Besides, the contextual ads displayed may contain pictures corresponding to this selector.

2. Installing a simple selector — a[rel^=wmb]

Copy a[rel^=wmb] and install it in Global Settings of the plugin (Selector box), as shown on the screenshot below.

If the standard selector does not work

Then, insert the following code into functions.php of your theme:

The plugin should work now.

In case you encounter any difficulties, please, contact out support team.